Affinity Groups
Affinity Groups are a way to connect with other members that have similar backgrounds or interests. Join an online community, connect at events and network with peers. Members can join affinity groups by logging into their account and reviewing their opt in/opt outs. There is no cost to join affinity groups
How to Join:
Login to your CEC account here
Under Account Actions on the right, select “Opt in and Out”
Check the box of those affinity groups you wish to join on the bottom of the page
If you have any questions or trouble please don't hesitate to contact Brannan Meyers at
Affinity Groups
The American Indian, Alaska Native Affinity Group is a group of advocates who come together to support, advocate, and share research, and resources, to increase awareness. Planning, and promoting the unique and special educational needs of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and families.
Chair: Brooki Beasley
The AAAPI Affinity Group aims to create a safe space for all Asian-identifying educators. The group celebrates and seeks to grow in understanding of the diversity of its members, who vary in their nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion and gender identity. Chair: Francesca de La Torre-Shu Email: |
The Black Affinity Group seeks research issues, develop policy/ strategies, and recommend solutions to the CEC executive board that reflect equity, inclusion, quality in exceptional needs education for students and educators particularly those of the African Diaspora.
Chair: Katina Fox Email:
This group educates CEC and the field of special education on needs and approaches for educators with disabilities.
Chair: Terry Friedrichs Email:
The CEC Hispanic/ Latino Affinity Group is a network of educators interested in advancing the education of Hispanic children with disabilities and supporting the professional advancement of Hispanic American special educators. The Hispanic/Latino Affinity Group serves as a forum for pre-service students, faculty, educators, administrators, and parents to exchange information, share concerns, and make recommendations to CEC
Chair: Dr. Diana Morales Email:
The purpose of this affinity group to provide a source of support and networking for members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies during the national conference and throughout the year
Chair:Bryan E. Cichy-Parker Email:
Interested In Developing a New Affinity Group?
If you are interested in starting an affinity group please complete this form and send to
If you have any questions please contact