CEC TV highlights leading research and best practice dedicated to improving the success of children and youth with disabilities.

Through a partnership with film and broadcasting company Targeted Film, CEC TV will produce daily episodes throughout the convention. Each episode will feature:
- Meeting News: At the event in Orlando, CEC TV will film interviews, capture session highlights, and hear attendee insights and reactions from around the convention.
- In-Depth Reports: pre-recorded documentary-style films will be shown, from universities, institutions, and organizations highlighting programs, case studies, and ongoing initiatives that are making a difference within the field of special education.
During the CEC convention, CEC TV episodes will be shown on screens around the convention center in Orlando, as well as on the CEC’s website, YouTube, and other social media channels.
If you or your organization would like to explore having a film featured in the program, please contact Targeted Film Founder, Sam Morgan. The fee you pay for each film covers production and distribution of the film at the meeting and online afterwards. You would retain full ownership and usage rights to the film we broadcast at the meeting.
Contact CEC Member Services if you have any questions. (service@exceptionalchildren.org)
CEC TV 2020
CEC TV 2020 - Episode 1
Watch the first episode of CEC TV 2020.
CEC TV 2020 - Episode 2
CEC TV 2020 - Episode 2
CEC TV 2020 - Episode 3
Watch the third episode of CEC TV 2020.
Interview with Chad Rummel - CEC Executive Director
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV gets the chance to sit down with the CEC Executive Director...
Positive Behavior Support
Safe & Civil Schools, a consulting company, provides inservice programs throughout the country. Their trainers work with numerous large and small...
The College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University
Researchers, teachers, graduate students, and children are all gaining ground in a unique ecosystem designed by the experts at Ohio State University...
Key High Leverage Practices for Special Educators
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV dives deep into the five key High Leverage Practices and how...
What was an inspiring moment for you in the classroom?
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV hits the conference floor to hear from members about an...
Arkansas PASSE: The Power to Move Beyond Diagnosis Driven Care
Arkansas has created an innovative Medicaid model that allows treatment options for children and adults that meet their needs rather than their...
Why did you become a special educator?
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV hits the conference floor to hear from members why they became...
Interview with Jennifer Lesh - CEC President
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV gets the chance to sit down with the CEC President Jennifer...
Texas Tech University, TTU-K12 - From Here, or Wherever You Are, It’s Possible!
TTU K-12 is a fully online and completely portable educational solution for students for whom traditional brick-and-mortar schooling is not an option...
What is Happening in DC?
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV dives deep into the intersection between politics and policy...
The Survival Guide for the First Year Special Education Teacher
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV learns how the guide provides strategies and resources that...
State Partnerships with the Council for Exceptional Children
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV gets the chance to talk to Sheila Bailey and Lynn Clayton...
The League Education and Treatment Center - The Healing Power of Learning
The League School and the Joan Fenichel Therapeutic Nursery are the children’s components of the League Education and Treatment Center which has been...
Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT) Center
People with disabilities are not as successful as others in college and careers, including those related to science, technology, engineering and...
Yes I Can - CEC 2020
The Yes I Can Awards are always an exciting time at CEC. At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV get...
What lessons will you be taking back to the classroom?
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV hits the conference floor to learn what members have learned...
Interview with Kelly Grillo, PhD
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV sits in the studio with the 2020 CEC Teacher of the Year and a...
Interview with Kareem Thompson
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV sits in the studio with one of the CEC Board Member, Kareem...
Interview with Charlotte Brickhouse, PhD
At the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, CEC TV is in the studio with Charlotte Brickhouse, the Special...
From Research to Practice: The Texas School Ready Program
The Texas School Ready (TSR) program is a comprehensive preschool teacher training program that has been proven effective to close achievement gaps...
CEC TV 2019
University of Central Florida - Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities
The FCSUA serves Florida’s students with intellectual disabilities and their families, secondary and postsecondary educators, and their communities by...
90 Tips in 120 Minutes
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV joins a fast-paced session that provided participants with 90...
Dyslexia: A Conversation About Aligning Practice with Research and Legislation
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV joins the Division for Learning Disabilities for a...
2019 CEC Yes I Can Awards
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV is at the Yes I Can awards ceremony, honoring the...
Interview with Julie Bost, Ph.D. and Danielle Kovach, Ph.D.
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV sits in the studio with some of the CEC Board of Directors...
Interview with Mary Lynn Boscardin, Ph.D.
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV sits down in the studio with Mary Lynn Boscardin, Ph.D., the...
What does your CEC membership mean to you?
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV talks to members to learn what their membership means to them...
Common Co-Teaching Challenges
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV talks to CEC Past President, Marilyn Friend, about common co...
Interview with Jennifer Lesh, CEC President-elect
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV sits in the studio with Jennifer Lesh, CEC President-elect...
Interview with Local CEC 2019 Committee
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV gets the chance to sit down with members of the local CEC...
Interview with Jessica Monahan, CEC Student Committee Member
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV sits down with Jessica Monahan, a CEC Student Committee...
Setting Expectations in the Classroom
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV explores the 2019 CEC Student Forum on setting expectations...
What is the biggest challenge in education for people with exceptionalities?
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV talks to attendees to find out what they think are the...
Executive Training for Elementary: A Model for Explicit Instruction
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC learns why focusing on improving elementary students’ executive...
Interview with Mikki Garcia, Ed.D. CEC 2018 Immediate Past President
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV gets the chance to sit down with Mikki Garcia, Ed.D. the CEC...
Interview with Mary Ruth Coleman, Senior Scientist Emeritus, FPG Child Development Institute
At the 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, CEC TV gets the chance to sit down with Mary Ruth Coleman, Senior...
EAI: Improving Math Performance with Engaging Problems
Over the past 20 years, Dr. Brian Bottge and the Department of Early Childhood, Special Education, & Rehabilitation Counseling at The University of...
Driving Inclusiveness in Higher Education
Young people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are often excluded from college preparation and college pathways, meaning they’re much less likely to...
ATLAS (Center for Accessible Teaching, Learning and Assessment Systems, at the University of Kansas)
A roadmap for student learning.
Inspiring Hope Through Services, Education, and Research
The overarching mission of the Burkhart Center is to improve the lives of people with autism spectrum disorders and their families by providing high...
It Takes “Work” to Advance Opportunities
Cornell’s Yang-Tan Institute (YTI) conducts research and provides continuing education and technical assistance on various aspects of disability in...