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Women with TEACH shirts

Where are you in your professional career?

Woman talking to two men

You’re getting an undergraduate, or graduate degree (including doctoral), but you haven’t started teaching yet. 

Group of female students at Convention wearing College/University shirts

You are returning for an advanced degree or additional credits after you have already held a professional position. 

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Three woman sit in chairs in a conference room

You’ve been in the field for fewer than three years and you know the ropes but occasionally need a little help or advice.

Three woman posing in jackets outside

You’re a trusted educator and mentor with confidence in your teaching while always seeking to improve your knowledge and skills.

Two men having a discussion

You provide instructional or related support to students and their families under the direction and supervision of a certified special education teacher.

3 female educators standing and talking over a clipboard

You are a special education and/or education professionals who has retired and no longer holds a professional position – employee, consultant, or otherwise - in education or special education.

young female graduate in robes and gowns smiling and taking a selfie with parents

I am interested in special education but not employed (including as consultants) in any field of education and/or special education. 

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