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Managing Behavior 1.0: Do These Things First
Content type: Webinar
There are scores of textbooks, websites, and other resources describing theories and interventions for challenging behavior in schools, and sorting through such information can be more overwhelming than helpful. In reality, a few fundamentals probably...
COVID- 19 Considerations for Special Education Administrators, March 20
Content type: Webinar
March 20th webinar slides; March 20 transcript March 13th webinar recording
COVID-19 Considerations for Special Education Administrators, March 26
Content type: Webinar
March 27 webinar slides; March 27 transcript
COVID-19 Considerations for Special Education Administrators, April 3
Content type: Webinar
April 3 webinar slides; April 3 transcript Click here for the results of the polls administered during the April 3 live webinar.
Navigating COVID-19 for Special Education Administrators, April 17
Content type: Webinar
April 17 webinar slides; April 17 Transcript
Navigating COVID 19 for Special Education Administrators, April 24
Content type: Webinar
April 24 webinar slides; "Visible Learning Effect Sizes When Schools Are Closed: What Matters and What Does Not" by John Hattie
Navigating COVID 19 for Special Education Administrators, May 1
Content type: Webinar
A presentation from the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE). Original air date May 1, 2020. Facilitated by Phyllis Wolfram, CASE Executive Director. Presented by Erin Maguire, CASE President; Myrna Mandlawitz, CASE Policy Consultant...
How the Supreme Court May Change Your Practice
Content type: Webinar
On January 11, 2017, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District, a case that involved a student with autism from Colorado. The question in this case, which has major implications for special education services...
Supreme Court Decision and Implications for Developing IEPs
Content type: Webinar
On March 22, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District. The case was the second special education case heard before the High Court to address the issue of what constitutes a Free Appropriate Public...
You Expect Me To Do What? Clarifying Paraprofessional Roles in the Classroom
Content type: Webinar
In this webinar, we’ll discuss steps for creating and sharing expectations with paraprofessionals in your classroom team. We’ll discuss steps for determining what roles paraprofessionals can take on in the classroom and how to play to the strengths of each...