STEM Instruction
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) help build the foundation for student learning.
More than simply learning each of its lettered subjects, STEM instruction helps students develop critical thinking skills and student-centered learning experiences.
Understanding STEM concepts can be one of the biggest indicators of student success in the classroom and after school. Students with disabilities may often struggle with STEM learning due to the abstractness of the concepts, complexity of the vocabulary, and often limited supports from general education teachers in these subjects.
Calculation and Word-Problem Interventions for Elementary Students with Mathematics Difficulty

Igloo Vision

An Igloo immersive space is a bit like stepping inside a giant VR headset – except you can get groups inside. Any kind of digital content can be shown on the walls of one of these spaces.
The Igloo software can take any kind of immersive content - 360° images, videos, interactive apps, and so on – and put it in a space that anyone can use. But it’s not just about VR. Everyday digital applications and tools s, like PowerPoint or Zoom, can be used inside an Igloo. And the Igloo immersive video conferencing setup means colleagues all over the world can join in.
The technology is installed
The Effects of Tier 2 Mathematics Interventions for Students With Mathematics Difficulties: A Meta-Analysis
Development of Mathematical Practices Through Word Problem–Solving Instruction for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Maximizing Learning Management Systems to Support Mathematical Problem Solving in Online Learning
Manipulative-Based Instructional Sequences in Mathematics for Students With Disabilities
ABC or 123? How Reading Can Get in the Way of Math Achievement and What to Do About It