By third grade, at least 58% of children on the autism spectrum struggle with literacy, more specifically vocabulary comprehension.
Let’s change this.
At GoManda, we are passionate about teaching vocabulary to learners on the autism spectrum. We are an app that teaches vocabulary to children on the autism spectrum by using their learning style.
Vocabulary is the foundation to all communication and helps a child connect to their world. Science shows that learners on the autism spectrum have a hyperfunctional brain that benefits from seeing multiple variations of a noun. Without learning vocabulary properly, learners on the autism spectrum can fall behind in literacy, college preparedness, and even confidence - until now.
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Children on the autism spectrum have a hyperfunctional brain - meaning their brains are able to take in lots of information at once. This can cause an overload of information, including sensory information. GoManda helps guide children with a hyperfunctional brain to learn basic concepts like vocabulary so they can navigate through their world again and feel more connected.
To learn more, check out our website and schedule a demo!
GoManda is an app that uses evidence-based practice to teach vocabulary for children on the autism spectrum. Our app not only keeps learners engaged but can increase vocabulary by 400%.
By third grade, 58% of autistic children struggle with literacy, more specifically vocabulary comprehension.
Let’s change this.
GoManda is an app that uses evidence-based practice to teach vocabulary for children on the autism spectrum using their learning style. Our app not only keeps learners engaged but can also increase vocabulary by 400%. GoManda keeps track of student engagement and progress within the app so educators can use their time more efficiently and make data-informed decisions for their students.
Visit our website to schedule a free demo!
At GoManda, our mission is the accept, nurture, and cheer for autism, and other learning differences.
We are passionate about inclusive educational resources that fit the learning style of each student. That's why we built GoManda, an app that teaches vocabulary to children on the autism spectrum tailored to their learning style.
We are not only passionate about creating empowered neurodivergent learners but also empowered educators. Our lessons draw from a huge visual vocabulary library using a method that is evidence based and engaging. With real time data collection, we've made data reporting easy.
Schedule a free demo!
Download our brochure to learn more about what's been called the Netflix for Vocabulary for children on the autism spectrum.
Information provided in the online directory on this website is intended to provide a guide to businesses, organizations, and resources that support the special education community. The Council for Exceptional Children or any of its employees neither endorse, warrant, nor guarantee the products or services advertised in the directory. The information provided in each listing on this website is published as obtained from external sources that provide the information.