Let's Go Learn

Let's Go Learn, Inc.
705 Wellesley Ave.
Kensington, CA 94708
Let's Go Learn provides highly diagnostic online assessments and automated progress monitoring tools to help teachers write IEPs faster and with greater accuracy. Present levels and benchmark goals are automatically identified for each student. In addition, Let's Go Learn provides specially designed instruction that targets each student's gaps in reading and mathematics via its online learning platform that works in-class or remotely.
Benefits for Special Educators and Departments:
- Online diagnostic assessments identify learning gaps and present grade levels for students with disabilities
- Automatic diagnostic data reporting supports accurate IEP development with a time savings of 50% +
- Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) in reading and math delivers data-driven lessons at students’ Zone of Proximal Development
- Real-time one-click progress monitoring ensures that student progress toward annual goals is measured frequently
- Appropriate for all students with disabilities including cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities, and language impairment
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