Representative Assembly
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)’s Representative Assembly (RA) is the Council’s membership advisory body. The RA includes two representatives from each state/provincial unit, division and the student membership. It provides input to the Board of Directors on positions CEC is considering on issues related to the field and profession, strategic direction, policy initiatives, and other similar issues. The RA meets formally once a year at the CEC Convention and conducts business online throughout the year.
Recent small group discussions and online opportunities to provide feedback to the Board or other CEC bodies include:
- CEC's draft Maltreatment Policy
- Effective Practices for Early Career Special Educator Retention
- CEC's draft IDEA Reauthorization Principles and Recommendations
- High Leverage Practices in Special Education
- Policy on The Training of Paraeducators in Special Education
- CEC's Future Professional Development and/or Resource Development
- What can (a) CEC headquarters, (b) divisions, and (c) units do to successfully increase CEC's membership?
- Bright Futures (Feedback on Future Study – Now CEC’s “State of the Profession” Workgroup)
- Educators with Disabilities Policy
Questions, comments or find out who your unit or division representative is.
2022 Meeting of the Representative Assembly - Minutes - January 18, 2022; Orlando, FL
2021 Meeting of the Representative Assembly - Not held due to the pandemic
2020 Meeting of the Representative Assembly - Minutes - February 7, 2020; Portland, OR
2019 Meeting of the Representative Assembly - Minutes - February 1, 2019; Indianapolis, IN
2018 Meeting of the Representative Assembly - Minutes - February 9, 2018; Tampa, FL
2017 Meeting of the Representative Assembly - Minutes - April 21, 2017; Boston, MA
Student RA Representatives
We are your elected Student Representatives to CEC’s Representative Assembly (RA), which serves as the membership advisory body to the Board of Directors.
Jordan McNeill Lukins (2020-2022)
Student Representative
Hi fellow students! My name is Jordan McNeill Lukins, and I am a fourth year PhD candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am interested in teachers’ training and experiences specific to supporting students with autism. In my first year as a Student Representative, I am excited to support and advocate for future teachers and leaders in special education! I’d love to hear your ideas and priorities and can be reached at
Lindsay Carlisle (2021-2023)
Student Representative
Hello student members of CEC! My name is Lindsay Carlisle and I am a third-year doctoral student at the University of Virginia, pursuing a Ph.D. in Education with a concentration in Special Education. My research is focused on the importance of effective communication across all facets of special education, including teaching, student well-being/achievement, and policy. I am honored and ecstatic to be your student representative, and look forward to supporting you throughout my term. If any ideas, questions, or concerns arise, please feel free to contact me at